Hi there! I am Haoran Ye (叶皓然). I am soon to join Peking University as a Ph.D. student this September, under the guidance of Prof. Guojie Song. I recently obtained my B.Eng. from Soochow University, where I had the honor to work closely with Prof. Zhiguang Cao, Prof. Helan Liang, Prof. Yong Li, and Prof. Fanzhang Li. My current research interests include Large Language Models, the interdisciplinary field of AI and Psychology, Neural Combinatorial Optimization, and Evolutionary Computation.

💻 Publications


🎖 Selected Honors and Awards

📖 Educations

  • Sep 2024 - Jun 2029 (anticipated), Ph.D. Student, School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Peking University.

  • Sep 2020 - Jun 2024, Bachelor of Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University.

    • Rank: 1/250
    • Average Score: 95/100

💼 Services

  • Conference Reviewer: ICML’24, NeurIPS’24

⛹️‍♀️ Extracurricular Activities

  • I love playing basketball, and I used to be the captain of the basketball team of our school.
  • I maintain a workout routine; I can complete a 1000-meter run in 3 minutes and 10 seconds, and I am also capable of performing 30 pull-ups in a row.
  • I enjoy participating in debating games; I have taken part in competitions such as the Chinese Debate World Cup.